"Tschiller – Off Duty": The press commentary on the silence "crime scene": "More action, less crime scene" – Celebrities, Curiosities, TV


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"Tschiller – Off Duty" was released in cinemas two years ago with moderate success. Til Schweiger identified as Commissioner Tschiller in Istanbul. How was it?

First with Til Schweiger's crime scene "Tschiller – Off Duty", made the leap onto the big screen for the first time in almost 30 years. However, Commissioner Tschiller has not been able to take advantage of the success of his predecessor at Schimanski Cinema – the expected success at the box office has remained largely absent. About two and a half years after the theatrical release in February 2016, the first on television followed Sunday night on the traditional "crime scene", but not in the theatrical version. That the action "crime scene" has now celebrated its premiere on television in the middle of the World Cup has again sparked Schweiger's anger. In BILD he once again accused the NDR of poor programming

First TV for Inspector Tschiller: What is the scene of the crime?

With "Tschiller – Off" Duty, "leading actor Til Schweiger and director Christian Alvart close a narrative thread that has spread over four previous TV thrillers: Nick Chiller's fight ( Schweiger) against the Astan clan As the sworn enemy Firat Astan (Erdal Yildiz) walks behind bars in Turkey, the fight seems over, but Nick Lenny's daughter (Luna Schweiger) wants to avenge her mother and travel to Istanbul, where it falls into the clutches of ruthless gangsters

When Tschiller learns that even his sworn enemy has escaped from the Turkish prison, he knows that his daughter is in danger.With his faithful companion Yalcin Gümer (Fahri Yardim), the suspended commissioner has the mission to save his daughter.It was long delayed in Moscow.

To read now: Today's edition of your daily in form of e-paper.

Tschiller and Gümer investigate in Istanbul: "more Til Schweiger, less crime scene"

"Of course, you must be aware that" Tschiller – Off Duty "wants to be an action show Movie with bright colors […] But if you're waiting for a quiet thriller on Sunday night, it's irrelevant – it's adrenaline, a fireworks without rest and rest Stern

"You have time to pay attention to the details between the Geballer and the next, but there are not so many details." Frankfurter Rundschau

"Fahri Yardim scored with funny slogans and made a bit of irony in the otherwise serious film. […] Extremely hanebüchen was the conclusion, in which Tschiller his daughter without anesthesia and cut a bomb out of the body with a truly masterful medical precision. " General of Lower Saxony Hessen

Commissioners of the crime scene: Who determines where?

Photo by Marion von der Mehden (NDR), dpa

"The pious Nölen Til Schweiger […] and his companion Fahri Yardim […] can not really connect with each other. […]" Tschiller – Off Duty "becomes a walk in a B-Movies museum of 20 , 30 years. " Die Zeit

" More action, more humor, more of Til Schweiger, less "Tatort": Christian Alvart and his star put clear accents in " Tschiller – Off Duty ", but their hunting in Istanbul and Moscow is largely cooked".

Press reviews on the Hamburg crime scene: "Like Bond, just more prude"

"This film is one of the most successful German contributions to the action genre with all its might entertaining and his weaknesses. Abendzeitung München

"As a combat apparatus and a means of transport is taken, which is in the action of 130 minutes very, very unstable. […] While Schweiger Stur- Cop is still all this law and the logical breaks. " The Mirror

" Much like Bond, except that the manners are a little more chubby. […] As an action movie, the thing was successful, like a crime scene less. " SWR3

"Action-entertainment, where even a set of shirts can be ironed." BILD

You can read our review "Tatort" of "Tschiller – Off Duty" here: "Tschiller – Off Duty": The scene is worth it today 39 with Til Schweiger? (A to Z)

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