TV Tip: I'm Steve McQueen


Cool, cooler, Steve McQueen. On the saddle

on a motorcycle or a race car, the Hollywood star has always given an excellent figure. Bright blue eyes, sullen melancholy eyes, shy smile – they are engraved in the memory of the cinema of the 60s and 70s.

The documentary Arte "I am

Steve McQueen
" draws on this Friday (9pm) the life of the actor, his breathtaking and too short path between home education, celebrity and premature death.

In MeToo's debate time and creepy insecurity on gender roles, Macho McQueen may seem, Steven Terrence McQueen, born in 1930 in Beech Grove, Indiana, gave the solitary fighter, a prey to remorse but he does not let himself be fooled and ends up enforcing his conditions. "Hey, the guy," the guy who impresses the boys, as a friend describes in the movie of American director Jeff Renfroe.

McQueen sticks in his chinos and desert pants, but also in the $ 3,000 block until today as a style icon.

or glbades – advertising can not do without the "King of Cool".

That he is taciturn in the "Glorious Seven", Nazi rebel prisoner of war in "Broken Chains" or anti-Mafia -Cop in "Bullitt" – McQueen runs early to get roles that match the # Picture between the daredevil and fragile hero. He quickly becomes famous, the filmmakers tear it down soon.

Everything could have gone wrong. The child of alcoholic parents grows up in the house, dries, becomes a small criminal. At one point,

sent him five dollars, with which he began the journey across the United States. When he gets off the bus in New York and is received by the mother, he feels his alcoholic banner. McQueen seeks refuge, first at the Marines, then at the school of drama

"There was a lot of anger in him," recalls his first wife, Neile Adams. But the young man is "hungry and determined", as the biographer Marshall Terrill says. In Hollywood, he fights with small roles, with the Western series "The Bounty Hunter", he is known to a wider audience. McQueen is making the transition from television to cinema, first in the low budget horror band "Blob – horror without names", later interesting roles.

On the screen McQueen gives the Locked, in the dialogues he avoids the look of his counterpart, "His game was something disconcerting," says Pierce Brosnan, Bond's actor. The attitude benefits the art. In "Thomas Crown is incredible" succeeds the magnificent Faye Dunaway to break the ice. The fact that it was only hot on the screen and Dunaway escaped McQueens' advances, the film gave real tension, recalls director Norman Jewison. [McQueenMcDonseyaréussil'exploitd'êtrelemêmedevantetderrièrelacaméraditLecritiquedecinémaBenMankiewiczSurtoutaprèssonmariageavecl'actress"LoveStory"AliMcGrawilestcomplètementunfavoridesmédiasCinémaetréalitéseconfondentdans"BrokenChains"avecMcGraw

Whether Mustang for the legendary chase in "Bullitt" in the streets of San Francisco or as pilot race in the cars of Le Mans – McQueen can do his love for speed also engage in the film. It's only in the intoxication of hourly kilometers that he feels relaxed, he says in an interview of the time.

But then the past catches up with him. First, it's a stubborn cough, and then the diagnosis: McQueen has cancer, triggered at the time of the Marines, because he is sentenced to punishment in the asbestos machinery room of ########################################################################### 39, a ship. He fights until the end, goes to Mexico for blood transfusions. It does not help. "A long and beautiful getaway", as summarized by Chad's father's life, ends on 7 November 1980 in Ciudad Juárez. McQueen is 50 years old.

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