Vanessa Mai: Almost naked! Schlager-Star seduces into one sexy piece


Vanessa Mai also puts on a bady piece during her tour
Image: dpa

Heat alarm not only in Germany: Also Vanessa Mai lets the thermometer continue to shoot. Shortly before the release of her first single of her new album "Schlager" the singer offers her fans a neat shot with a super bady summer flash.

Half-naked! Vanessa Mai in the tight single room

On her Instagram account, the pretty singer shows once again her bady side. After the 26-year-old actress has already appeared for her new album without the native Aspacher has again yielded. In the tight monoblock piece, the candidate "Let's Dance" proudly shows off her well-toned body. An absolute eye-catcher! No wonder, after all, the bathing suit from Lena Gercke LeGer's current swimwear collection . Fans Love Vanessa's Natural

Unlike Vanessa's prominent colleagues, who can not do without their usual makeup, even during a bathing trip, the pop singer is quite natural in her last Photo. The hot summer photo is going well with the fans. Comments like "Big Body", "Clbad and Natural", or "You're always big, natural and just sweet", are next to Vanessa's picture.


While Vanessa Mai takes a cool break, her new single "Wir 2 ​​always 1" is already in the starting blocks. What exactly awaits their fans from 06.07.2018, Vanessa has already betrayed in a first teaser . In this one: a bady dance Vanessa Mai and her singing partner Olexesh. True to the motto "Schlager meets Rap", Vanessa Mai has tried something completely new with the German-Ukrainian rapper. It remains to be seen if the new music will also meet the Vanessa fans of Vanessa.

Fits: Lena Meyer-Landrutim bady one piece! It is so telling that it seldom shows itself

VIDEO: The biggest pop stars in Germany

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