Vanessa Mai presents herself unvarnished on vacation


The singer Vanessa Mai is always perfectly stylish on stage. Now, the 26-year-old has released a rare snapshot on Instagram. He shows them completely unvarnished – and always very bady.

After Vanessa Mai has already done a good part of her current tour, the singer is currently taking a summer break. After her scene accident, she will rest a little. On her beach vacation, beauty also allows her fans to participate. A rare snapshot on Instagram shows him completely unadorned and in a bady black swimsuit. Lo and behold, the brunette looks really good without makeup.


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The singer's fans are thrilled with so much naturalness. "Pretty woman without makeup," wrote a user. Another disciple says, "You are incredibly beautiful." "You're great as always, of course, and just nice," is another comment. Vanessa Mai will certainly be pleased with these remarks.

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