VIP News: Natalie Volk now lives in the United States without her boyfriend Frank Otto


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Wednesday, July 18, 8:53 pm: Nathalie Volk, former candidate of the "German supermodel" and camper in the jungle, is in the United States. emigrates. There, she studies, as she says in the newspaper "Bild". About the subject, she says only: "I am very on the stage". She did not take her friend Frank Otto with her. Both are still in a relationship and now have a distant relationship. "My nights are not so lonely with Frank," says the 21-year-old girl about her 40-year-old friend. But Nathalie plans to stay longer on the west coast of the United States. Your studies will take another two years. She seems to enjoy her life there and even changed her name to avoid being recognized: "I can lead a normal life here."

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