Xavier Naidoo: The singer can no longer be described as anti-Semitic


The singer Xavier Naidoo (46 years old) defends himself with an injunction in the district court of Regensburg against the allegations of anti-Semitism. As the Bayerischer Rundfunk reports, the Naidoos court granted legal action.

Thus, the singer can no longer be described as anti-Semitic. At a meeting of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation last year in Straubing, a speaker had stated in audience: "He is anti-Semitic, structurally verifiable". The District Court of Regensburg forbade this to the woman in her judgment. She has not been able to substantiate this accusation enough, Judge Barbara Pöschl said when reading the verdict.

Naidoo then obtained a preliminary injunction for this declaration to be omitted. The court dealt with the interpretation of the word "anti-Semitism" at trial. The defendant reiterated its view that Naidoo uses anti-Semitic codes and numbers in her words. These were not known to him, the musician opposed.

In the video: A new study shows that immigrants do not import anti-Semitism in Germany

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