60% of people change their eating habits for this reason


The trendy diet seems to be everywhere thanks to celebrity endorsements and the influence of social media, but are these crazes all the hype or do they actually lead to a healthy life [19659002]? tempting, researchers investigated more than 1,000 "dieters" on their inspirations for a new way of eating and their experiences along the way.

When you hear the term "dieter" only mission in life is to shed the extra pounds and get into those too tight jeans. But the results of the study tell a different story.


Except those on the keto diet – who were after a number on a scale – the motivational top to go on the diet was actually related to health. (Perhaps the increasing rate of lifestyle diseases prompted change in attitude?)

Interestingly, men and women practiced these regimes at roughly equal rates. Women were more inclined to make changes to feel healthier overall, while the guys were only motivated to deal with a particular health problem.


We are all different in having unique needs, goals and desires. What works for me will not necessarily work for you. In addition, despite the findings of the study, the word "diet" is still laden with expectations, most of which are not helpful.

It also implies something ephemeral. You go on the diet to lose weight for a wedding or because summer is coming or because your cholesterol is a bit higher than your doctor would like.

But as soon as the nuptials are over, the winter is back or your LDL number has plummeted, you return to your old habits. Humans unfortunately lack stamina. We are all on the quick fix.


A much better approach is to adopt a healthier lifestyle in general. Choosing a sustainable way of eating is much easier than adhering to a strict diet with strange rules.

As all those who have already followed one of these fad diets will say, you can continue long before the desire for chocolate cake and pasta diverts any sense of reason.

Rather than completely eliminate carbohydrates, make a commitment not to eat them after four hours. Instead of a blanket to the bread, give up the fine junk and opt for a stone floor, leavened rye.

The easiest way to get and stay healthy is to follow the advice of the famous writer Michael Pollan, who said: " Eat food, mostly plants, not Too much . "

This wisdom echoes that of the oldest and healthiest people in the world. The inhabitants of Blue Zones commonly eat an inclined vegetable diet that includes beans, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

These lively centenarians consume meat in small quantities and in the case of Seventh Day Adventists, not at all. They also follow the eighty percent rule and prepare their meals in the kitchen to avoid overeating.

This is not to say that they are all plants and no game though. Red wine is a staple in their diet and they enjoy a drink or two every night with dinner. It boils down to a clever combination of mindfulness and moderation.


  Healthy Lifestyle

Change your state of mind to adopt a challenging healthy lifestyle. But this is by no means impossible. Sometimes all you need is a little motivation to put you on the right track.

These documentaries all prove the adage of Hippocrates that food is medicinal and medical food. And there are many more like them. The more you become familiar with the American Standard Diet and the higher the health risks, the easier it will be to avoid these foods.

Your health is a life-long business, not three. week crash plan. When you approach it like that, you make your life infinitely easier, not to mention much more fun. Think about it, your risk of illness decreases and you get to drink red wine (just not overly).

Photo credit: Thinkstock

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