Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Vancouver hosts Native Cohort HIV Conference in Amsterdam


A local Aboriginal health organization will co-host a conference on HIV and AIDS in the Netherlands this weekend, which can be viewed online by British Columbians

International HIV and AIDS Work (IIWGHA) is co-organizing the 7 annual pre-congresses on HIV and AIDS on Saturday and Sunday (July 21-22) and the Indigenous Peoples' Networking Zone. International AIDS Conference to be held from July 23 to 27 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

BC The public will be able to watch many live presentations on Facebook on the conference webpage

Discussions featuring international speakers will focus on topics such as harm reduction regimes , leadership, hepatitis C, stigma and discrimination. and more. The program will also present clinical case presentations, cultural exchanges and roundtables.

This year's theme focuses on the unification of indigenous peoples around the world

"This year's event will invite participants to build bridges. scientific and community partnerships to defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples and empower Indigenous Peoples, "said Ken Clement, Co-Chair of the IWG-IA, in a press release. "Our goal is that with the meaningful engagement of Indigenous Peoples, we are working the world together, not only to fight HIV in Indigenous communities, but also to serve our vital role in narrowing the gaps." global targets. "

Georgia Straight at an interview in November 2017 that CAAN, of which he is the executive director, faces challenges as $ 400,000, or 40 percent . 100% of their funding, were cut by the federal government as of April 1

More information on the pre-conference is available on the IIWGHA website

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