Expiry of malaria test kits on the market – FDA warns


The Food and Drug Authority (FDA) warns the general public to be wary of a rapid diagnostic test kit (TDR) for expired malaria on the market.

According to the FDA, investigations have established that some people have tampered with the product information on said expired kit

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A statement issued Friday and signed by the Director General of the Authority , Ms. Delese AA Darko, said the kit, SD Bio Line Malaria Test Kit, has been registered by the FDA, the investigation found that the following information was used to re-label the expired product: Lot n °: 05CDC017A; Mfg. Date: 2018-03-09; Exp. Date: 2020-03-08; Code: B303D.

Read also: Malaria is caused by dirt in the liver – Dr. Asenso

He said given the recent experience with malaria parasite resistance to treatment, the current policy on treatment Malaria in the country requires that all suspected cases of malaria be tested before treatment.

& # 39; & # 39; It is dangerous to have a malaria test with the help of an expired RTD kit, which would certainly produce a false result and could lead to an inaccurate diagnosis. ;, did he declare. Facilities should note the above and should not use such kits if they have them in their possession.

It is said that health professionals are advised to notify the FDA of expired products in their facilities for safe disposal. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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