Joyce Dzidzor threatens suicide with stigma


Joyce Dzidzor

Joyce Dzidzor Mensah, former ambbadador for HIV and AIDS, threatened Saturday to take her life and that of her three young children in a suicide letter that she left on social networks

Long after begging Ghanaians to support his family, it is a financial crisis

In the shared suicide note on Facebook on Saturday morning, she cited the difficulties and the stigma as some of the reasons she wants to kill her.

According to her, they go where there will be no sorrow and where they will not be judged wrongly.

"These are my three children, today is our last day on earth, I have my last interview at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and I will go to the village where my children are. kill them and kill me, we go to a place where there is no sorrow, a place where people will never call my children AIDS children, a place where I will not be judged wrongly , a place where there is no hunger, a place where my children will not be fired for tuition, a place where we will not pay for housing, a place where no one will beat me for use their bathroom, let our souls rest in peace, "notes the note.

The post included a photo of her with the kids, which generated a lot of attention on social media platforms over the weekend. Many efforts to reach the actress have proved futile because nobody knows where she is.

Joyce Dzidzor also left the suicide note at a time when she was in the news about the comments that she had bad with the famous musician Amandzeba Nat Brew.

In December 2014, Joyce Dzidzor shockedly revealed that she had been lying about her HIV / AIDS status for years and that she had never been diagnosed positive before working with her. Ghana AIDS Commission as an ambbadador for HIV / AIDS

. Revelation, she has been on several media platforms to defend her actions, even though she has received widespread criticism from Ghanaians and the Ghana AIDS Commission.

However in 2016, she made a shocking U-turn to say that she tested positive for the virus. She had to lie about her status to protect her children from stigma.

In April 2018, she told NEWS-ONE that her family is facing a financial crisis such that sleeping is even a problem and would beg benevolent Ghanaians to come to their aid.

She added that she has no way of raising funds to also support the education of her three children as a single mother.

The reason, she said, is that no one wants to work with her because of her HIV / AIDS status.

"I do not currently live with my children because I do not have a place to stay in. I am in deep crisis, my medications are also very expensive and I can not afford it. .. ", she revealed.

" I invested all my money in a barber shop and a small grocery store, but people complained should not buy the joint. "Everything collapsed and I lost all my money," added Joyce Dzidzor.

"With my situation as a single mother with three children and unemployed, I ask the general public to support me with money. She pleaded in April.

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