More than 8 million IVF infants are born worldwide: report


At least 8 million infants have been born as a result of in vitro fertilization over the last 40 years, according to a report from the International Committee for the Surveillance of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The results of the report were presented this week at the 34th annual meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology in Barcelona, ​​Spain

IVF, an Assisted Reproductive Process (ART) in which an egg is Fertilized by a sperm outside the body, followed by one or more embryos transferred to the uterus for implantation, exists since the 1970s. The first successful birth of the procedure – a child named Louise Brown – It was produced in 1978 in England. Since then, its popularity and success rates have steadily increased. While some experts argue that 8 million is a conservative number, the report indeed draws attention to the standardization of ART procedures around the world

"A better understanding of ART increases societal and social acceptance. support for research and clinical access ". According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, in 2016, 263,577 rounds of badisted reproductive technologies were performed in the United States in approximately 463 clinics, resulting in 65,996 live births. The CDC is getting closer that every year now 1.7 percent of all babies born in the United States are conceived with some form of badisted reproductive technology like IVF.

However, access to this technology often depends on financial factors, such as the International Monitoring Committee "The number of ART cycles continues to increase, but the use is still very influenced by affordable access to a TAR that is related to insurance or public funding, "says the abstract. "Regional differences persist in the age of the treated population, the number of embryos transferred, the rate of multiple births and other factors."

According to the National Infertility Association, cost is the number one reason for families struggling with infertility. seek treatment. The average cost of IVF in the United States would be around $ 23,000. However, some US policymakers are taking steps to ease the financial burden. Sen. Cory Booker, DN.J., introduced a congressional bill in May that would require health insurance providers to cover infertility treatments like IVF.

Countries like the United States, which have declining fertility rates in their childbearing years have children – could probably benefit from government funding. Economic anxiety is thought to be one of the reasons why women delay childbirth, which can lead them to seek badisted reproductive solutions, as has already reported Salon

"It is true that a smaller proportion of millennials. at 35 are moms (48 percent) today compared to the share of Generation X women who were moms by the same age (57 percent), "said Gretchen Livingston, senior researcher at Pew Research, at the Salon in May. "It is possible that millennials delay maternity because of economic anxieties, but we have no evidence to show it explicitly."

Geneviève Diaz, 27, lives in San Francisco. having children became more distant when she left her full-time job to start her own business.

"What I'm thinking of is that when I pay off my student loan debt, will I still be able to have children," she said at the show. "Will I have the time to be fertile, to have children, to build this business, to feed myself and to live in San Francisco?"

Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, Fertility Specialist in the San Francisco Bay area whose patients call it the "egg whisperer," said the world is experiencing a "historic change" with regard to women with children later. 19659003] "This represents a historic shift and is emblematic of the societal changes that are occurring," she told Salon. "We are living longer. We are delaying parts of adult life. We focus on our careers, we travel and take the time to find the right partner. Society is changing but biology is not. "

In addition to age and financial burdens, further research is leading the conversation about overall fertility, concluding that the health of mother and father are also responsible for" All Roads indicate that men are a very important part of fertility and that their health is a big part of it, "said Dr. Paul Turek, a physician and reproductive health specialist for men, at the Salon. [19659012] [ad_2]
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