Option "No Brexit" for AIDS: Bill Clinton


Photo: AFP

Bill Clinton on Friday begged the world not to give up the campaign prematurely to control the HIV virus, which still kills nearly a million people each year and infects twice as many

The former US president said at the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam

"By a combination of convenience in some places, and open hostility to global multinational cooperation efforts in others, there is a "Clinton, a long-time anti-AIDS activist, told delegates:" This would be catastrophic here. "

Clinton quoted UN data showing that 1.8 million in 1965, the virus destroying the immune system causes AIDS

The year saw 940 000 deaths

Of the 36.9 million people who were living with HIV last year , 15.2 million did not have access to the life. Savi "About 35 people will die while I'm here talking," said Clinton.

"It is important to let no one suggest that we should fundamentally congratulate or relax ourselves"

Decades of research have not yet cured HIV, which has infected nearly 80 million of people and killed 35.4 million since the early 1980s.

"I beg you," said Clinton in the final day of the gathering of some 15,000 researchers, activists and people living with HIV.

"It's something you can not leave."

Facilitating the battle, he says, could have "calamitous"

"If we do what some people want to do and we move away from it, or reduce it, chances of a return to epidemic proportions with breathtaking consequences … are important enough to derail other health, economic and social goals nation after nation after nation and leave a landscape strewn. "

It's" almost some "that an HIV vaccine and a cure for AIDS are in sight," said the ex-president.

"But we are not there yet We must hold the line."

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