The elimination of malaria-carrying mosquitoes is not expected to affect ecosystems, study


  Removal of malaria-carrying mosquitoes that are likely to affect ecosystems, study

An estimated 216 million malarias were diagnosed and nearly 445,000 deaths occurred in 2016 as a result of malaria. Although there are many treatments available to diagnose malaria and are still working to find a cure. One of the techniques is to use genetically modified mosquitoes to suppress local mosquito populations.

A new study conducted by Empire scientists suggests that the local elimination of this species of mosquito could significantly reduce malaria cases. Although more research is needed in the field to verify that the ecosystem is not significantly disturbed.

Scientists specifically target the species Anopheles gambiae, for possible suppression in the future using genetic engineering. They studied previous studies on this mosquito species to see how it integrates into the ecosystem.

They discovered that some animals eat An. Gambiae, but those who also eat other species of mosquitoes and other insects, which means that they do not need from A. gambiae to survive.

The main author, Tilly Collins, of the Imperial Center for Environmental Policy, said:, a. The gambiae mosquitoes are small, hard to catch, very mobile at night and unhealthy, from so that they are not a rewarding prey for insect and vertebrate predators. Many eat them – sometimes accidentally – but there is no evidence that they are an important or vital part of another animal's diet. "

" There is a curious jumping spider known as the "vampire spider". who lives in houses around the shores of Lake Victoria and has a penchant for female mosquitoes fed blood. Females fed resting blood are easy prey and more nutritious when they digest their blood meal, but this spider will gladly eat other species of mosquitoes when an opportunity arises.

Scientists have also observed mosquito larvae. Females usually lay their eggs in small temporary ponds. At the point, when they are laid in large lakes, predators that feed on them eat in addition to many different things.

And in addition to eating An. Gambiae, the group also checks what concerns them. In the case where a species is expelled from an environment, this may imply that a concurrent competing species – a species that uses a comparative food resource, for example – is growing considerably more in number to fill the gap. ;space.

This can be transformed into if the candidate species presents its own particular risks, for example, in the case where it transmits another human infection such as yellow fever.

The team found that other species of mosquitoes are more likely to compensate for An. Gambiae, although laboratory studies and field studies, as well as evidence of eliminations past mosquitoes for example by insecticide spraying, do not always agree

Scientists have published a report published today in Medical and Veterinary Entomology. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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