Gillibrand: "President Trump has launched a war against American women"


Sen. Kirsten GillibrandKirsten Elizabeth GillibrandNight Health Care – Presented by the Campaign for Accountability – Momentum for Federal Laws Acting on the Right to Abortion | Missouri legislators approve bill banning abortion at 8 weeks | Warren Unveils Plan to Protect Abortion Rights 2020 Dem Seth Moulton calls for expanding veterans' access to cannabis. Momentum relies on incentives to enact abortion rights laws MORE (D-N.Y.), Presidential candidate of 2020, said Sunday that President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump calls on Republicans to be "united" against abortion Tlaib calls Amash to join the impeachment resolution Facebook temporarily suspended conservative commentator Candace Owens MORE Leads a war against women in America.

"It is not in any way a total assault on women's reproductive freedom, an effort to suppress our fundamental rights and our civil rights," Gillibrand said on the show "Face The Nation "of CBS about laws passed by several state legislatures limiting abortion.

"President Trump has unleashed a war against American women. And if it's a fight he wants to have, it's a fight he's going to have and that he's going to lose. "

The Republican Parliament of Georgia passed a law earlier this month barring state doctors from performing an abortion as soon as a fetus's heartbeat is detectable, usually about six weeks after the start of the pregnancy. Most women do not know that they are pregnant at this stage.

Last week, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (right) passed the most restrictive abortion law in the country. Abortion in this state would only be legal if it was necessary to save a woman's life.

Gillibrand, who put women's rights at the center of her 2020 presidential campaign, strongly criticized both laws.

Last week, she traveled to Georgia to meet with abortion providers and women's rights activists.

Laws are expected to be challenged and the possibility of a battle over Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that recognized a woman's right to an abortion.

Gillibrand promised to codify Roe v. Wade if he were elected president.


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