Global police agency Interpol warns mafia plots COVID vaccine fraud


According to reports, Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, has warned that criminal organizations are planning to steal supplies and sell fake COVID-19 vaccines. Jürgen Stock, secretary general of Interpol, told the organization’s 194 member countries:

“As governments prepare to deploy vaccines, criminal organizations plan to infiltrate or disrupt supply chains,” […] Criminal networks will also target unsuspecting members of the public through fake websites and fake medicine, which could pose a significant risk to their health and even their lives. ”

“Strong demand combined with a limited supply will make COVID-19 vaccines the equivalent of liquid gold to organized crime networks as soon as they become available,” Stock continued. Interpol’s warning comes just as the UK has officially licensed a vaccine and other Western countries like the US are reviewing multiple vaccines.

In July, Interpol warned of a proliferation of fake COVID-19 test kits as countries ran out of supplies needed to tackle the outbreak.



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