Global warming will bring DETECTION of prehistoric diseases in the form of Arctic ice MELTS in Russia | Science | New


Deadly bacterial viruses, such as anthrax, may be about to resurface in the atmosphere after the melting of the frozen city of Yakutsk, in northeastern Russia. The city of Eastern Siberia generally remains frozen for 12 months of the year and regularly reaches temperatures below 60 ° C during the winter months. However, under the permafrost – which is frozen for two consecutive years – there are many dangerous diseases that remain alive and have contributed to the extinction of many species, including the woolly mammoth.

Biologists worry that the deadly disease will not reappear if the snow and ice continue to melt and be transmitted to humans through plants and water.

In 2016, the first anthrax outbreak was recorded in the Yamal region in 70 years after temperatures reached unprecedented levels of 35 ° C.

It is estimated that the epidemic has killed up to 2,000 reindeer and that 96 people have been hospitalized.

Boris Kershengolts, a biologist from Yakutsk, told the Telegraph: "The anthrax spores can stay alive in the permafrost for 2,500 years.

"This is scary considering the thaw of 19th century animal burial sites.

"When they're out of the permafrost and put in our temperatures, they live again."

He added, "It would not be that a disaster for the Arctic.

"The catastrophe could exceed Chernobyl."

At the current rate, permafrost levels in Yakutsk are decreasing by 5 cm (2 inches) per year.

Not only does smelting affect the planet as sea level rise and floods increase, but melting permafrost releases gases such as methane and CO2 that damage the ozone layer. .

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of "worrying trends" that the world is facing in terms of global warming.

Russian research data has highlighted a particular concern: the temperature in Russia is two and a half times higher than that of any other country in the world.

Putin told the 5th International Arctic Forum: "According to our data, the Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the world and Russia is heating up 2.5 times faster than the rest of the world. rest of the world.

"These calculations may be different, but they are two really disturbing trends."


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