Good news: Corona slows down in India


With a sigh of relief, the Corona virus pandemic has slowed in India as cases recorded in the past five days have declined.

While the country recorded 66,999 cases on August 13, cases have gradually declined. Covid’s daily growth rate fell from 2.87% to 2.08%. The last two days, the total number of Covid cases across the country was less than 60k.

The country recorded 55,079 new cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday. Interestingly, the total number recovered on Tuesday is 57,937. Meanwhile, the total Covid case tally has passed the 2.7 million mark.

However, medical experts say it is too early to estimate that Covid has slowed down in the country. They said 2 days out of the last 5 days was a holiday – August 15-16 and felt this could have resulted in a drop in the number of Covid tests across the country.

Experts estimated that around 1.5 lakh of Covid testing was done in the past 5 days compared to normal days and therefore urged people to remain cautious and practice strict measures thoroughly.

Interestingly, the recovery rate is increasing. Out of 27 lakh Covid cases, 19.77 lakh were recovered and the cure rate stood at 73.18 percent. In the last 6 days, the cure rate is 90.73% while the death rate is 1.53%.

In the past 24 hours, active cases have declined by 3,734. That’s a positive sign, experts say. While the Covid positivity rate between July 8 and July 14 is 10.03%, the Covid positivity rate between July 12 and July 18 is 7.72%. However, we have to wait and see how the situation will be in the coming week.

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