Google and Disney team up for Mandalorian AR experience


Google and Disney have teamed up for a new AR experience with The Mandalorian and yes, Baby Yoda is involved. The Mandalorian AR experience “puts you in the shoes of a bounty hunter in the footsteps of Mando himself, Din Djarin and The Child,” according to a blog post by Matthieu Lorrain, head of creative partnerships and AR at Google . Players can interact with the characters in AR and capture scenes from the app to share them.

The Mandalorian is scanning your kitchen
Google / Disney

The app is built on ARCore, Google’s development platform for creating augmented reality experiences, and uses its ARCore Depth API, which enables occlusion – when an AR object is blocked from view by d. other real objects in a scene (handy if the Mandalorian jet is your cat entering the scene).

Google worked with Disney and Lucasfilm to create models and animations based primarily on the first season of the hit show Disney Plus. New episodes of the experience will be arriving on the app every week, so it’s likely that Season 2 will be part of the experience soon.

One big caveat: While you don’t need a 5G connection to use the app, the Mandalorian AR experience is only supported on 5G compatible Android devices (check out the full list here) that have the Google Play Services for AR functionality. Google says it could happen to more Android devices soon.

This is not the first time that Google has created a Star warsAR experience on the topic; in 2017, it introduced AR stickers for the Pixel 2, which included stormtroopers, R2-D2, BB-8, and porgs.

The Mandalorian AR experience is available for free download from the Google Play Store.


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