Google hires Jade Raymond, from Ubisoft, before unveiling


Before Google unveiled all that was in the game at GDC 2019, news was published: Jade Raymond joined the company. Raymond revealed herself on her Twitter account this week that she had joined the company as a vice president, but without going into the details of what the job entails. Raymond has worked in the gaming industry for over two decades, since Sony in 1998, before working for companies such as Electronic Arts on The Sims Online and Ubisoft for Assassin's Creed. She also founded Motive Studios and worked on a Star Wars game that never materialized before EA closed the company.

It's more than obvious, Raymond will participate in the game of Google, but how interesting will it be, because the role of vice-president does not seem to have a parameter defined publicly for the moment. Given the work we've done with Ubisoft, it would not surprise us to see her take a much more practical approach to Google's work, that it's about hardware, creating games, work with other studios, etc. I hope we can learn more at GDC this year and find out what it and Google are working on.

About Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is a longtime geek who can talk to you about comics, television, video games and even professional wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend cool music at random and become mean in D & D. He also enjoys stand-up comedy, Let's videos. # 39; s Play and try new games, as well as hundreds of other geek stuff that can not be covered in one paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vero for random images and insights.

(Last update March 13, 2019 5:49 pm )

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