Google is finally ready to talk openly about the mysterious new OS that could replace Android – BGR


We've been talking for a few years about Google's mysterious operating system to replace Android, Chrome and Android-based operating systems, regardless of Google's derived operating system, running on its smart devices. We saw the first demo leak, we read reports on its development and Google began to deploy the software development kit that will allow developers to encode universal applications running Android, iOS, the operating system from the computer and of course. – Fuchsia.

Fuchsia is what we were told to call this mysterious operating system that will not only work with everything Google has created, but will also fix some of the worst things about Android, including fragmentation, speed up-to-date and confidentiality. But Google finally talks about Fuchsia, the promised Android killer – and also calls it Fuchsia.

We are still in years to see Google launch the first Fuchsia devices, but it is always refreshing to see Google mention it. This is because it means that Fuchsia is a reality and that the project is gaining importance at Google. Some previous reports on the operating system had warned that the development of Fuchsia was causing some concern within the company, leading some to wonder if Fuchsia would ever see the light of day.

Hiroshi Lockheimer, of Google, who leads the Android and Chrome efforts of the company, talked about Fuchsia at the I / O 2019 this week.

"We are looking at what could be a new operating system. That's why I know that people are very excited by saying, "Oh, this is the new Android," or "This is the new Chrome OS," he said. The edge Fuchsia is really not about it. Fuchsia involves improving operating systems and integrating Fuchsia elements with other products. "

The executive said that the purpose of the experimental experimentation system is to use all kinds of devices and form factors, which is quite logical since Google is also very interested in the appearance "Smart home" of your life. "You know that Android really works great on phones and you know it in the context of Chrome OS as run for the apps out there. But Fuchsia can also be optimized for some other form factors. We are doing experiments, "he said. "Think of dedicated devices … at the moment, everyone assumes that Fuchsia is for phones. But what if it could be used for something else? "

But it would be even more logical for Fuchsia to be the unified operating system that would power all mobile devices, regardless of their form factor.

Fuchsia also made a remarkable appearance in a Medium article on Flutter, written by Kevin Moore of Google. Flutter is the aforementioned application development kit and Google has announced a new update for browsers:

Since its first beta release last year, customers are using Flutter to create mobile apps running on iOS and Android. However, Flutter has always been designed as a portable UI toolkit and, among other things, runs on Windows, Mac, Fuchsia and even Raspberry Pi. As Flutter is built with the help of Dart, which includes production quality compilers for native machine code and JavaScript, we had a solid foundation. The remaining challenge was to replace the graphics engine and the Skia-based text rendering engine with equivalents on the Web platform.

But wait, it's even better. At the regular I / O Fireside chat, the developers directly questioned Google executives about Fuchsia, 9to5Google reports. Here's what Dave Burke, Google's vice president of engineering for Android, said when a developer asked if anything Google could share about Fuchsia:

There is good collaboration between the teams. To give you two examples, for example, if we have this ANGLE driver on Q and the idea is that we have a module – it's a main module – and it implements OpenGL ES 2.0, simply ending, and soon in 3.0, and runs above. from Vulkan, and we developed it with Fuchsia, because Fuchsia uses Vulkan at the basic level for graphics, as does Android. So we worked closely there.

Also on Jetpack Compose, our new user interface toolkit, we worked closely with the Flutter team. One of the things we care about is having transferable skills. Therefore, if you know that Flutter, the toolkit on Android should seem familiar to you so that you can move between them, this is something we collaborated on.

Our point of view with Fuchsia is more about the things we do with them, but I can not really tell you about their plans because I will get them all wrong.

The main thing to remember here seems to be that Google has dedicated Fuchsia and Flutter teams that work alongside the Android team on some features.

That said, it will probably be years before Google launches the first Fuchsia devices. But at least Google finally recognizes and shares more details about the operating system.


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