Google is updating its mobile search design to highlight the name and favicon of a website.


Google makes some notable changes to the way it displays mobile search results, to better highlight the source behind each link. Mobile search results will soon display the icon and name of a website above the title of the page being browsed. So far, Google had somewhat downplayed the source of search results by displaying the name of a website in a smaller font below each link.

The design will begin to be deployed in the "coming days". According to Google, it is primarily a mobile, a spokesman said that includes both the Web search and the Google application.

With the updated design, Google's mobile search is starting to look much more like a news feed, filled with publications from various publishers on a specific topic. Insisting on the source of information makes a lot of sense, especially as concerns about false sources of information continue. Web sites have full control over their name and icon, but this change could at least help, for example, to New York Times link stands out on a link from a battery of unsavory content, so Google had to surface both on the same page.

Google also suggests that this design change is a springboard for creating richer (and more loaded) search result pages. More and more highlighted images and information appear directly on the search page. Google says this new design "allows us to add more action buttons and useful previews." Maps will become more and more interactive, allowing you to see and see more without visiting another page.


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