Google launches a new series of videos, including pirates


In recent months, Google has stepped up its Chrome OS operating system marketing with the "You Chromebook" campaign aimed at users who are tired of the cumbersome headaches that accompany other operating systems. For the uninitiated, they may or may not have touched a nerve. If you're already on the Chromebook train, they've certainly made a good laugh.

Now that Chromebooks are gaining popularity in the consumer and business markets, Google has released a YouTube playlist that answers the most common questions asked by new users who are familiar with the ecosystem and, yes, there is a pirate.

You can check Chromebook's official YouTube channel for 15 videos, but here's the "how-to" for editing videos on your Chromebook.

Open and edit videos on your Chromebook

Many of these tutorials may seem like fixes for many, but I can promise you that we are constantly responding to such requests at Chrome Unboxed. It's very refreshing to see Google dedicate time and resources to cover the basics, because honestly, that's what most users are looking for when they get a new device.

Whether you're taking screenshots, using caps locks, or even using offline Gmail, these videos should be a great resource for the growing Chrome OS user base. Make sure to give them to them and share them.

Discover the whole series here.

Note: I'm sure some of you will notice, so I'll say it. All these videos feature the Samsung Chromebook Plus V2. I'm sure some will not hesitate to fan the flames around the rumors that Google is coming out of Chrome OS hardware space, but seriously, let's take advantage of it. well produced videos. Well discussion this question at another time.


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