Feinstein ignites as the Trump administration advances with the nominees of the 9th circuit without consulting her


The Senate is about to consider this week two more conservative candidates chosen by President Trump to sit on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, on the left – and the largest Democrat sitting on the Judiciary Committee is not happy about it .

Nominees Ken Lee and Dan Collins were chosen without the slightest contribution from Dianne Feinstein or Kamala Harris, the two Democratic senators in California. Traditionally, the White House seeks to obtain a "blue slip", or approval, from both senators for the nomination of a candidate for the judiciary before continuing their appointments.

But the Trump administration, which has already successfully appointed several conservative judges to the 9th Circuit, largely ignored this process by continuing its moves to turn the appeal court that the President has repeatedly referred to as bias and disbelief. "scandalous".

"I guess, without notice or discussion, the blue slip is essentially dead," Feinstein, a senior justice commission official, said in a televised speech on Thursday. "This change in practice is damaging not only to the Senate, but also to the federal judiciary, and I would like us to have the opportunity to discuss it – I really believe it's a mistake."

Feinstein added: "Prior to the inauguration of President Trump, the blue sheet was a practice of the Senate for almost a century.In the last hundred years, the Senate has confirmed that five judges with only one blue sheet and the last one was in 1989 – and in 100 years, the Senate had never confirmed the appointment of a judge without two blue ballots. "

But "since President Trump took office," said Feinstein, "the Republicans auditioned 12 nominees to the circuit court and voted in favor of the seven-to-seven confirmation of the Democrats' objection. from their country of origin ".


Seattle lawyer Eric Miller was among the nominees nominated for the 9th circuit in February by 53 votes to 46. Progressives violently attacked Miller as a corporate lawyer and a member of the Federalist Society whose career would have been hostile to the rights of Native Americans.

Feinstein added, "There is nothing to disregard the Blue Democratic leaflets." Democratic Senators have made and continue to make good faith efforts to find a consensual choice for circuit courts.

"As Senator Harris and I have clearly explained, we are ready to work from the beginning with this President to select the consensus candidates for the 9th Circuit," Feinstein added. "One of the things I've learned is this is what's going around, I thought we would be able to work very cooperatively."

In January, Feinstein and Harris criticized the White House with a similar statement: "We are deeply disappointed that the White House has chosen to re-appoint Daniel Collins and Kenneth Lee to the 9th Circuit. We clearly indicated our opposition to these people and told the White House that we wanted to work together to reach consensus on a new package of candidates. "

With a sprawling estate representing nine western states, the 9th circuit has long been a thorn in the foot of the Trump White House, with decisions contrary to its policy of banning travel and a limitation of funding for "sanctuary cities" .

Just a few weeks ago, the 9th Circuit broke the ranks of another Federal Court of Appeal and ruled that a Sri Lankan man who had failed on his first application for legal aid was not able to do so. The asylum had the constitutional right to appear before a judge, threatening to overload the system of similar immigration courts per year and putting in place an almost absolute showdown at the Supreme Court.


However, the reputation of the left-wing court could change, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky's MP, and Republicans in the Senate continued to use the majority of the geopolitical people to confirm the appointed judges. by the president.

Among Trump's other recent favorites among the successes of the 9th Circuit: Ryan Nelson, former staff member of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions; former Attorney General of Hawaii, Mark Bennett; and Magistrate Judge Bridget Bade.

After the confirmation month of Miller, in an analysis titled "Thanks to Trump, the 9th Liberal Circuit is no longer liberal," the Washington Post said that once all current Trump candidates would be confirmed as planned there will be 12 nominated by the Republicans. judges of the 9th circuit, composed of 29 full-time judges.


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