Google Podcasts web app now syncs your queue and listening progress across all devices


After surpassing 50 million installs on Android and adding several new features over the past few months, Google Podcasts is emerging as a competitor to my original favorite app for listening – Pocket Casts. Now that Google has immersed itself in the wonderful future of progressive web apps, it is trying to update its Podcasts web app with its Android and iOS counterparts by syncing your listening progress and queue across all devices on the Web !

If you visit the website, you will notice that the previously missing ‘Queue’ button in the left sidebar now appears, and by clicking on it you will be shown all the shows you have recorded there. on the mobile. Plus, pressing “Play” on any podcast you’ve ever listened to on the go or in your car will redirect you to the exact moment you paused or stopped listening to it before.

Prior to this update, your queue was either completely empty on the web app or had separately recorded shows and you would always start over from the start of an episode, unless you stopped listening the last time you you turned it on. Likewise, any shows you add to your web queue will now appear in the app on your phone or tablet.

Essentially, what used to be completely separate experiences – the app and the web app – are now almost completely unified, and that’s great. The only exception found by Android Police is that drag and drop to change the queue order of an episode on the app is not yet present on the website.


Hopefully the new Grid View for Subscriptions that was recently added to the Android app makes its debut on the PWA soon. There’s just something about how visually stimulating it is and not having it on bigger screens in place of a text or title based approach is just plain frustrating.

Let me know in the comments if you have a preference and if you are already seeing the new queue feature on the web! Since PWAs are not packaged locally, server-side updates should be deployed almost immediately. So I’m assuming you’re all already listening to your latest queued content.


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