This weekend is your only chance to see a full ‘blue moon’ before 2024, officials say


If you want to catch a glimpse of a rare, full “blue moon”, this weekend might be your only chance for a few years, according to NASA.

Although the moon is not actually blue in color, scientists say that “blue moon” means that this moon is the second full moon of a month that has two full moons. This only happens about once every 2.7 years, on average, CNN reports.

“As the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, it will be a blue moon under the old definition,” NASA said in a statement.

To see the full “blue moon,” just be sure to look at the sky around 12:04 am Sunday when the moon reaches its highest point, NASA said.

You will of course be able to see the moon without a telescope, but for better viewing it can be useful. For more tips on observing the sky, click here.

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The next full “blue moon” is scheduled for August 19, 2024, according to EarthSky.

But, the next few months will still be hectic for sky watchers, as Jupiter and Saturn will become visible, according to NASA.

“The two will appear to be moving west over the next few months, making them visible earlier in the evening sky (and more user-friendly for backyard stargazing, especially if you have young people who go to bed earlier), ”NASA said.

You can read more about next month’s sky events and the blue moon on the NASA website.

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