Google Search Celebrates NASA’s Perseverance Landing on Mars


Google is celebrating the landing of Perseverance on Mars.


If you’re looking for news on Perseverance, NASA’s latest Martian rover, Google has a freebie to help you celebrate the successful landing of the rover on the red planet.

The One-Ton Mobile Lab made a slow descent Thursday afternoon to an ancient lake bed on Mars, ending an episode of the mission dubbed “the Seven Minutes of Terror” because a lot can go wrong and do derail the mission. Perseverance landed at Jezero Crater, which would once have been covered with water, possibly representing a site where evidence of life could be found.

The mission heralds a new era in Mars exploration, and to celebrate the successful hit, Google has launched fireworks – on its search engine, that is. A simple search for Perseverance will launch a virtual pyrotechnic Easter egg on your search results page.

While the Perseverance mission is slated to last a year on Mars – the equivalent of about 687 Earth days – it’s impossible to say how long Google’s celebration will last, so check out the show while waiting for something that might. really bring us down.


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