Google search results are improved in response to user feedback.


A series of tweets from the Twitter account of Google SearchLiaison (via Gizmodo) indicates that Google is making a small change to Google Search in response to user feedback requesting a wider variety of search results. The tweak is designed to prevent a search result from containing multiple lists from the same site. As Google says, the changes are "designed to provide more site diversity in our results."
Google says that with the new site diversity change, the best results will not show more than two ads from the same company. But Google adds that "… we can still display more than two in cases where our systems feel it's particularly relevant to do it for a particular search …". Despite the new diversity of Google search results, site rankings will not change. So, even if the top ranked sites will continue to appear at the top of the search results, they will simply not be repeated as often. This is good news for small businesses looking to drive more traffic to their sites.
Although the update is being released, it should not be confused with the June 2019 base update that modifies the algorithms used by Google Search. It should not be confused with an update sent by Google last month. This latest update improves the results of mobile search by adding the name, URL, and logo of the website from which certain information was obtained. For example, suppose you are looking for news about President Donald Trump. Depending on your policy orientation, you can browse the results and skip or read your search information from Fox News, the New York Post, Huffington Post or CNBC.
Google Announces Diversity Update for Google Search

Google Announces Diversity Update for Google Search


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