Google is no stranger to experimenting with weird new apps, but its latest introduces a few more incentives than usual. Currently in Early Access on the Play Store, Task Mate promises to reward users for completing simple tasks – and those rewards come in the form of cash.

Based on the screenshots from the Play Store listing, these tasks might include basic things like photographing a storefront or checking in saying phrases like “how do I get to the nearest station? ” While Google is asking many tasks to create more data for itself, it seems other entities are also free to request tasks if they need crowdsourced information.

According to the app’s support page, tasks are assigned based on user performance, with an emphasis on accuracy. The results of your task are checked against others who have completed the same task, and the requestor can perform a “spot check” of your work.

I could do worse things than exercise my legs for five minutes to win a quarter.

Just like with Google Opinion Rewards, you won’t be able to quit your daily job with the compensation offered by Google. At least Task Mate appears to be paying in cash, rather than just Play Store credit. A minimum of $ 10 is required to cash out, which may take some time depending on the number and type of tasks assigned to you.

The list of apps is now available on the Play Store, although it is limited to certain regions like India and Kenya for the time being. If all goes well during the testing phase, Google could roll out Task Mate in other areas. Now that the Screenwise program is dead, this would be a great new way to generate more data for Google and more pocket change for interested users.