Gottlieb: Vaccines will likely be around 20% less effective against some strains


Former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb said on Sunday that existing coronavirus vaccines would likely be around 20% less effective against strains of the virus believed to originate in South Africa and Brazil – but the vaccines will still offer significant protection.

“I think there is a rule of thumb that we can assume that the vaccines are likely to be around 20% less effective against these newer variants from Brazil and South Africa, which have mutated some key regions of the protein we are targeting. with our vaccines, ”Gottlieb, who sits on the Pfizer board of directors, said on CBS’s“ Face the Nation ”.

However, Gottlieb added, “mRNA vaccines… are very effective. And so, even though we see a reduction in the effectiveness of these vaccines, and it might not be that deep with these vaccines, you still get really good protection with these vaccines.

Gottlieb a poursuivi que «nous pourrions également être en mesure de développer en temps opportun, peut-être dans quatre ou six mois, une souche consensuelle qui intègre de nombreuses variantes différentes que nous voyons pour avoir des boosters disponibles pour l’automne. Je pense donc qu’il y a une chance raisonnable que nous puissions rester en avance sur ce virus à mesure qu’il mute.

L’ancien responsable de la FDA a ajouté qu’il restait particulièrement préoccupé par la propagation d’une autre variante, qui serait originaire d’Angleterre, de Floride et du sud de la Californie.

«Et même si je ne pense pas que [Florida is] are going to have another flare-up, they might have a persistent high infection because [the British strain] is better imposed in this part of the country, ”he added.


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