Government to vaccinate 16 and 17 year olds without parental permission


Young people aged 16 and 17 should be offered the Chinese coronavirus vaccination without their parents’ consent, government scientists have said.

According to a government press release, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) said on Wednesday that minors aged 16 and over can receive the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, affecting an estimated 1.4 million people. ‘children.

JCVI COVID-19 Chairman Prof. Wei Shen Lim said, “After carefully reviewing the latest data, we are advising healthy 16-17 year olds to be offered a first dose of Pfizer vaccine. -BioNTech. Advice on when to offer the second dose of vaccine will come later.

“Although COVID-19 is generally mild or asymptomatic in most young people, it can be very unpleasant for some and for this particular age group we would expect a dose of the vaccine to provide good protection against serious illnesses and hospitalization. “

Children between the ages of 12 and 15 will not be advised to get the vaccine at this time, but that could change at a later date. According to Sky News, Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted JCVI’s recommendations, telling the National Health Service (NHS) to start preparing vaccines for children “as soon as possible”, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson urging parents to “Listen to the JCVI”.

Professor Lim confirmed that children aged 16 and over can be vaccinated without parental consent, saying in comments reported by the Standard Evening: “In the UK, a person aged 16 and over is considered capable of consenting for themselves, and if they are competent and capable of consenting for themselves, then that consent is valid.”

The deputy chief medical officer for England, Jonathan Van-Tam, said there was “no time to waste” in vaccinating children before the new school year, saying: “I want us to do this too as fast as possible “.

The UK is not the only country in Europe to start vaccinating children against the Chinese virus.

Germany announced this week that it will offer vaccines to all children aged 12 and over and France, Denmark and Estonia are already working on vaccination campaigns targeting parents to vaccinate their children before the start of the new school year.

The European Medicines Agency, the European Medicines Agency, cleared Moderna’s vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 17 last month and extended Pfizer-BioNTech to children as young as 12 in May. .

With most of the over-18s able to receive the second dose at the end of September, Prime Minister Johnson announced that from the end of next month proof of double vaccination will be required to enter nightclubs – widely considered as an attempt. force greater vaccination among young adults in Britain by threatening to restrict their social life.

Lockdown-skeptical Tories like MP Desmond Swayne have warned that national vaccine passports for youth-favorite pastimes should be of concern to all citizens as they are a ‘Trojan horse for an ID card system. “. Once you introduce requirements like this, they are very, very difficult to remove.

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