Governor Whitmer announces availability of COVID booster in Michigan


Pressure from President Biden for the COVID-19 recall has made its way to Michigan.

Governor Whitmer announced the availability of the photo on Wednesday.

The centers for the long-term elderly will be the first to benefit from it.

Currently, many nursing homes are juggling the logistics of when their residents have been vaccinated and when they qualify for the recall.

Many residents of The Maples in Frankfort are vaccinated against the virus, but many do not qualify for the vaccine until after the vaccine is initially available. September 20.

“We have not yet asked residents about the booster injections because we will not be eligible until October as we never received our second dose until February,” said Kathy Dube, administrator of Maple trees.

The Maples said they have kept their residents in quarantine and many of their families have stepped up to get vaccinated.

“Right now, almost all of our residents are vaccinated. So we think we’re pretty safe right now, and around 65% of our staff are fully vaccinated, ”says Dube.

Even though they have kept their case rates low, it comes at a cost to residency. They cannot see their friends or family.039c3e35 0ebb 482b 8e50 82349d7e54d2

“We have been fortunate not to have had a positive resident test since last spring, but we also do not let residents mix between households,” said Dubé.

Munson Healthcare says they are looking to the CDC before opening the booster shots to other groups.

“We’re not telling everyone yet. And part of that is because we’re really looking for advice from these experts to say, that’s exactly who should go in which order and when, ”said Dr Joe Santangelo.

They say most of their hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated, but believe this recall could prevent further serious cases.

“I think these booster shots will really help prevent further waves of COVID-19 admissions and keep our hospitals from filling up with COVID-19 patients in the future,” Dr Santangelo said. “For now, people who have not yet had a chance to get the vaccine, or who have been hesitant to get the vaccine, so far, I really want to encourage them to talk to their healthcare providers. “


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