Gravitational waves could leave strange and lasting effects in their wake


The weak, flickering distortions of space-time that we call gravitational waves are difficult to detect, and we have only achieved this in recent years. But now scientists have calculated that these waves could leave more persistent traces of their passage – traces we can also to be able to detect.

These traces are called "observables of persistent gravitational waves" and, in a new article, an international team of researchers refined the mathematical framework to define them. In doing so, they give three examples of what these observables might be.

Here is the quick summary of gravitational waves: when two large objects, such as neutron stars or black holes, collide, they send shock waves into the Universe, waving the very fabric of space-time. Einstein had predicted this effect in his theory of general relativity in 1916, but it was only in 2015 that we finally had the material sensitive enough to detect the ripples.

This equipment is an interferometer that sends two or more laser beams on arms of several kilometers. The wavelengths of these laser beams interfering to cancel, so normally no light hits the photodetectors of the instrument.

But when a gravitational wave strikes, the distortion of space-time causes oscillation, contraction, and stretching of these laser beams. This means that their interference pattern is disrupted and that they no longer cancel. The laser hits the photodetector. The striking light structure can inform scientists of the event that created the wave.

But shrinking, stretching and deforming space-time, according to astrophysicist Éanna Flanagan of Cornell University and her colleagues, could have a much more lasting effect.

As ripples in space-time propagate, they can change the velocity, acceleration, trajectories, and relative positions of objects and particles – and these features do not immediately return to normal thereafter, which makes them potentially observable.

Particles, for example, disturbed by a wave of gravitational waves, could show changes. In their new framework, the research team mathematically detailed the changes that can occur in the rotational speed of a rotating particle, as well as in its acceleration and velocity.

Another of these persistent gravitational wave observables involves an effect similar to temporal dilatation, a powerful gravitational field slowing down time.

Because gravitational waves distort the space and In time, two extremely precise and synchronized clocks located in different places, such as atomic clocks, could be affected by gravitational waves, indicating different moments after the passage of waves.

Finally, gravitational waves could in fact permanently shift the relative positions in the mirrors of a gravitational wave interferometer – not much, but enough to be detectable.

Between its first detection in 2015 and last year, the LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave collaboration detected a handful of events before LIGO went offline for upgrades.

At the present time, there are not enough detections in the bank for a meaningful statistical database to test these observables.

But LIGO-Virgo was re-lit on April 1 and has been detecting at least one gravitational event a week.

The field of gravitational wave astronomy is heating up, space scientists are eagerly trying to test new calculations and mathematical frameworks, and we will not be long in swimming positively in the data.

This is truly an incredibly exciting time for space science.

The search was published in Physical examination D.


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