

PIRAEUS BANK PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK, PIRAEUS BANK Enterprise Greece is to find and develop beneficial means of cooperation with Greek companies, aimed at strengthening Greek exports and to support investment opportunities so that, as part of the national strategy, Greece as an attractive investment destination for the world of international business

Christos Megalou, CEO of the Piraeus Bank , stressed that "supporting the creation of healthy businesses, especially those investing in extroversion, is a priority for Piraeus Bank. We see them as the future of the economy and the country and we support them financially, but we also guide them and we help them open new roads and new markets. Piraeus Bank is strategically committed to playing a leading role in the restart and growth of the Greek economy, actively supporting economic activity through specialized and customized solutions and high level services. "CEO of Enterprise Greece, Ilias Athanbadiou, said:" The current partnership agreement is part of the initiative taken by Enterprise Greece to call on the country's banks, so that we can make a difference. badist Greek companies in opening their business in existing and new markets. We are very pleased that the Piraeus Bank has reacted immediately and we hope that this will be followed by other institutions in the country. Through this pact, we wish to consolidate and develop a dynamic and fruitful collaboration to support Greek exports and strengthen investments. Our cooperation will be based on the principles of complementarity, the development of ideas for synthesis, the taking of innovative actions favoring extroversion and entrepreneurship, thus contributing to the sustainable growth of the company. Greek economy. "

The Piraeus Bank in Greece, with the Enterprise Greece organization, the national body competent to attract investment in Greece and promote Greek exports will focus on:

• Financing of exporting companies with Trade Finance Soluti and targeted products that will meet their financing needs and increase their efficiency in a competitive international environment

• Attract foreign investment to the Greek market in key business sectors (energy, infrastructure, manufacturing) economy

• Participation in a consortium of banks and / or financial institutions for the co-financing of strategic projects, area in which the Piraeus Bank has a great experience and a very active presence

• Reinforce the extraversion of Greek companies by providing them with specialized information and guidance market, a legal framework for exports and investments and supporting their presence and visibility in exhibitions and international organizations

Financing of export-oriented start-ups to meet needs of working capital or for investment purposes, using tools such as Cosme, TEPIC, the Extraversion program or the InnovFin programs

• Services for foreign nationals
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