26 our fellow citizens were burned because there was a mantra at Mati


The Minister of Transport Christos Spirtzis informed the Minister of Transport Christos Spirtzis in 1961.

M. Spirtzis pointed out that all building permits will be checked and, if necessary, the houses will be demolished after the deadly fires that killed 84 people in East Attica

"26 our fellow citizens were burned because there was a mantra at Mati, "said the minister at the place where the bodies of the prisoners of the Silver Coast were hugged

Spirtzis noted that there is no town plan in Mati, which accounts for most of the dead in the national tragedy that shook the Panhellenic

At the same time, the Minister admitted that there is has responsibilities and will be reimbursed while stressing that the problems must be corrected

"We had a lot of conditions and perms that have to do with the design and structure of the areas, but also with the weather, the weather conditions extremes, multiple fronts of fire, direct transmission of fire etc. ", notes Spirtzis.

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