Alexis Tsipras spoke to the cabinet at a "special meeting" which he described as "first" after the landmark June 21 Eurogroup decision, which irrevocably closed the series of notations and memoranda and gave a definitive solution the question of the sustainability of the Greek debt. "
It was a decision to which Greece was entitled," said the prime minister, "which is the least recognition in the sacrifices of the Greek people, which was not always right." and the excesses and failures of memoranda programs, for which the Greek governments of the past are responsible "but" and the institutions that have conceived and often imposed their implementation. "
Exits to the markets will be done without pressure and aimed at the optimal management of our debt, the Prime Minister noted
Al. Tzipras said that "by lengthening the maturity of Greek bonds and paying 100 billion euros of capital and interest on EFSF loans, the decisive step is made so that in the medium term the Gross financing needs of it represent more than 15% of GDP. "
Also, he said, the return of the European Central Bank and the ECB's profits from the Greek bonds that they had bought, s & rsquo; Amounting to 4.8 billion euros, in annual installments, where applicable Greece adheres to the agreed financial rules. "
" We have, by and large, got very important support for any turbulence due to external factors, the so – called financial cushion of about 25 billion dollars. euros, "he stressed, a critical security measure that meets the needs of the country for at least two years after the end of the support program."
"Outflows on the markets will therefore be without financial pressure and will aim to: "said the Prime Minister, adding that it is" the first time that Greece has such a huge reserve. "
Greece gets up again. He will finance his needs with his own forces
"What difference does it make here, with the empty funds and the zero reserves left behind, on January 15, the Samaras-Venizelos cooperation? What bottomless divides the administrative deficiency previous governments with the prudent and responsible management of the public debt that we carried out during these three years. "
Referring to the memorandum of understanding, he said that nothing was said on the "fourth memorandum, unbearable new commitments, loops and other devastations of this kind" do not apply, pointing out that the truth is for anyone who wants to see it.
Reiterated that the post-memorandum follow-up will be in the familiar context The only difference is that the reports of the European institutions will be two more, with the main role at the Commission. but the criteria set out in the Eurogroup decision of 21 June, "namely" further deepening institutional reforms of programs, such as the unification of insurance funds, l & # 39; independence of authorities such as the tax authority and have "
He stressed that these" have nothing to do with new commitments or with what we would probably be bound, if we choose which encouraged those who had engaged the country in surpluses. 4.5 and 5% "who" wanted the country to stay in the middle of monitoring memoranda. "
" Those who failed to release the country from the memoranda by failing the first or second program … now to serve obvious political considerations wanted the country to remain in full surveillance ", a- he said. "Unfortunately for them, fortunately for the country, we falsified them. We have a clear release of memoranda, without lines of credit, without new prerequisites against debt measures, without a rigid protection against funding. "
" Greece since August 21st is standing again. It will finance its needs with its own forces, and the governments that the Greek people will elect will decide the political instruments to achieve the agreed budgetary objectives, "said the prime minister, adding:" It's the truth, although some of that you disturb. As long as some people can not believe it. "
" We must not only formulate – and in economic terms – the concept of clean production, but define what a clean exit means in the daily lives of citizens "several times, unbearable," he said.
We now need a prudent fiscal policy, a rational expansion on the basis of budgetary capabilities
He stressed that "the new political path that we are called to open "can not be a return to" days of widespread corruption. "days of expansion with unsecured loans, at the time of an impeccable and antisocial abundance of a few," but it must, d & rsquo; On the one hand, support the weakest and on the other hand stimulate growth. "
and 1969002] • The increase of the minimum wage
• The targeted tax relief to medium target term of 700-750
• Labor market reform by the reintroduction of collective bargaining
€ m of fiscal space created from 2019 and reflected in the 2019 budget
• Continued support for the welfare state and in particular for health and well-being
• Repetition this year social and social solidarity, targeting social categories in need
• Strengthening the effectiveness of the public sector through specific institutional measures
• L 39 effort to create a friendly climate for investors and attract investment investors
• Maintain a low VAT on the islands of the refugee crisis, by adopting the equivalent transport, and in doubling funds from European funds for development projects in the Aegean islands in the coming years.
As Al. "
The Prime Minister stressed that" as we move away from the Memorandum and as long as the equitable development strategy becomes a political act and an action, both the separatist lines policies will become more visible and clearer "and" political dilemmas will become clearer and more implacable. "
Criticism of Mr. Mitsotakis' Suggestions
An Exciting Critique of the President of the Republic of Korea, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Stated That the Leader of the Main Opposition Should Respond to It is in favor of the renewal of the regulation of workers wage or deregulation of the labor market and the abolition of the eighth if it is in favor of an efficient, powerful and rewarding public sector company or its dissolution
Continuing, she raised the question of whether an agreement Mr. Mitsotakis "with the support of the welfare state and the social security system or the dismissal of doctors, the dissolution of the public sector and the clause 5 to 1 that he wants "instead of 1 to 1.
completely collapsed the scandalous scenarios and mbad terrorism that he was trying to unleash in the previous two years, we must fight c the program, and everyone should submit their suggestions and dilemmas to be vigorously suppressed. At this time, Mitsotakis' reprehensible reactionary proposals will become clearer, the prime minister said.
million. Mitsotakis succeeds in legitimizing far-right activism and a nationalist political discourse flirting openly with fascism
Al. Tsipras said the opposition leader was afraid the country would change pages and decide to do something drastically dangerous, namely "the line of the new nationality, which was taken by the leaders of the New Democracy who hold him hostage ".
"On the occasion of the FYROM question, Mr. Mitsotakis definitively and irrevocably removed the mask of the liberal center-right reformer and decided to follow Mr. Samaras in the so-called" trade of the so-called " patriotism, "he added. practices that really flourish and do one thing: legitimize far-right activism and a nationalist political discourse that often flirts with fascism. And this is not only dangerous for New Democracy, which loses all international credibility and all nuclear power. It is dangerous for the country. "
" The important thing is that with this political choice, fanaticism, division, but also extremist fascist political formations, which, although marginal, are now safer to get out of hiding them. And this line followed by the ND leader is a line that separates it from the traditional center-right conservative party, "he added, adding that he leads him directly to the arms of Orban and Kurt. "
On the occasion of the Synod Mr. Tsipras declared that Europe was divided and was talking about countries that wanted to leave Greece alone to deal with the refugee crisis and impose the most anti-social agenda in Europe
Greek citizens are democratic
"These extreme neo-liberal choices that flirt with the extreme right are contrary to the national interest because Greek citizens and history know that democratic reflexes also have the true European perspective that they want, "he noted. that "the Greek citizens clearly see what forces can guarantee stability, social protection and prosperity."
"Greece, through the SYRIZA government and the Independent Greeks," I am deeply convinced " , continued the Prime Minister, "that the Greek s and the Greeks understand it well, "he said, stressing that" we are on the side of the forces defending European values and universal human rights ". and when the time comes, they will give their own answer to those who try to clbadify them in the wrong camp of history. And they will prove the democratic reflexes of the Greek people, who historically have always opened the way to freedom, democracy, solidarity, social justice. It will be those who will not allow some to bring back Greece. "
In conclusion, he noted:" We go straight ahead, freed from the obstacles of the past. We must show that we can do it. "
Source: RES / MEP
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