When do the summer discounts begin?


ESEE also put 50,000 eco-bags at the disposal of professional badociations and federations to distribute to businesses and therefore to consumers during the discount period. This initiative is part of the ERC initiative to reduce the use of the plastic bag and its environmental footprint

More specifically, confederation notes:

Discounts will take place on Monday 9 July at the latest on Friday 31 August. When discounts are made, in addition to the indication of the old and the new reduced price of goods and services sold at reduced prices, the recording and commercial communication of a rate of 30%. refresh may also be allowed.

When the discounted price is greater than 60% of all items sold, the discount rate demonstration is required, so that it should be recorded in the showroom and in any other commercial communication, and if there are different discount rates s product categories, it must indicate the range of rates provided ("from ….% to ….%"). In all other cases, it will be indicated that discounts are for selected items based on the corresponding rate.

The way the reduced price is calculated and displayed must correspond to the truth and not be inaccurate. Merchants should be able to prove that the old selling price on the billboard is actually true.

The old and new prices are mandatory, and only the discount rate may be shown. During the inspections carried out by the General Secretariat for Trade for winter discounts, it was noted that many entrepreneurs, to avoid the workload, do not mention the double price of discounted products but resort to a generalized reduction rate. This well-intentioned practice violates the law and imposes severe penalties. Until now, the supervisory authorities, realizing that there is no deception on the part of the consumer, have made simple recommendations, but it is certain that they will never be true forever. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the merchants who will participate in the discounts, in order to register first the old and the new price of products and then, if they wish, a rate of

According to Article 21 of Law 4177/2013, a penalty of 0.5% of the annual turnover is imposed on those who do not comply with the provisions of the law. discount and in any case not less than 5,000 euros. If a fine is imposed a second time for the same offense within five years, the fine is increased to 3% of the annual business turnover of the company in question.

In case of discount if the discounts are inaccurate or misleading or in terms of accuracy of the proposed prices or quantity of products offered for sale or any form of concealment or misleading the consumer , a fine equal to 1% of the annual turnover v and not less than 10 000. If the fine is imposed a second time for the same offense over a period of five years, it is automatically brought to 3% of the annual turnover of the company concerned.

According to the law 4177/2013, will open Sunday, July 15, 2018. The schedule of Sunday must be held from 11:00 to 20:00

The president of the ESEE, Vasilis Korkides, said: "… This year's summer discounts leave a positive sign in the purchase of traffic and turnover on a vision.The climate in the world of trade is mixed with hopes of rising numbers business, but also to great concern because the summer discounts are done in an environment of heavier tax obligations for all consumers.The traders largely put our hopes in the tourist movement and 'imported consumption "Which is intensifying nowadays, however, as we know, this aid exists, but not for all the cities of the country and not for all the regions of Athens.The summer discounts generally go to sales at detail of about 7 billion euros, and if these chif are achieved, they will provide a significant boost to store funds, provided that the intensity of tourism is reflected in positive tourism receipts for the whole. of Greek commerce. "

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