"War" out of bounds in parliament – Pre-election climate of high toxicity – Politics


The country has already been in a pre-election period that will recall other seasons, extreme polarization, political infinity, ratings among the opponents we have had years to live. The division is here and the conflict in the House brings to light the two different worlds, the two different stories that will collide in the coming months

The high tones and personal qualities heard by the political leaders in Parliament create a new political landscape. scene
Tons of controversy in plenary have increased more than ever and have not been limited to the economy and the results of the recent Yugogrup.
The "fanfare" of confrontation is open to all problems. Skopje, corruption, national elections, pensions have been at the heart of the political conflict.
Some of what had been heard in the "Ataka war" had long been heard, perhaps from the early years of the memoranda.

Alexis Tsipras intensified the tone and launched a personal badault on Kyriakos Mitsotakis
. ] "Shame on you, you asked Berlin to reduce pensions, shame, shame, shame," he said, adding that the main opposition leader believes in the "worst" doctrine. for the people, the best for him "because his only concern is the return to power of the ND
Indeed, he also referred to the interior of New Democracy saying that the conservative faction has become the backbone of its far right leaders. "The far right, Mr Mitsotakis, is the last refuge of political fraudsters," he said, provoking intense reactions from the Azores.
Kyriacos Mitsotakis' response, which described Alexis Tsipras as "shame and terror in the country," was very hard. She reiterated that she met with Ms. Merkel to discuss pension cuts. "You are a liar, liar, liar, with" ψ "capital" stressed by submitting an amendment for not applying the new cuts. "From the so-called revolutionary of Europe, you have become the child of all the chores," he added in a high tone, calling the prime minister "a political liar and a political cheater." "
The climate of the meeting was printed by Phofi Gennimatas by firing a two-sided attack on SYRIZA and SW. "Mr. Tsipras and Mr. Mitsotakis have made their choice and their choice is again polarization and division," he noted at the opening of his speech, stressing that this is how the company is driving in dangerous blocks. "
Finally, support the conciliation and unity of the Greek people. Will you continue the same games for many years? The only way for the Greek people to speak in the elections that will take place soon. The countdown has begun, but we have had a foretaste of the pre-election period with polarization and division once again leading the country dangerously to death, "he said. [19659004] Characters

Alexis Tsipras
Aside from intelligence, you should be brave, but you've never been brave because you have not had the courage to acknowledge that the things are better

you have a number of friends in your family with problems with the law who bought newspapers for propaganda, but to convince the East sun is a little difficult [19659002] The only thing that concerns you is the political survival and the thirsty return to power

It's your shame! Shame! Shame! Shame! You should be ashamed of the people for going abroad and at the same time. instead of defending the Greeks to defend your narrow interests. "

" Your boldness and your cynicism You have the same embarrbading position and what you have to do with the refugee crisis. You went out and you blamed Merkel and I for sure we bet we supposedly swapped the VAT reduction on the 5 islands with new hotspots. There is no bottom in the barrel of your Pharisaism. "

Adopting speeches and practices of new nationality provides coverage for fascism.You have given them the right to leave their hiding places.Since 1960, we have had to see counter-stresses.

L & # 39; extreme right is the last refuge of political fraudsters and you prove that you follow this road and want to be registered as a politician

When you opened the champagne with Mr. Frouzis for how long you thought you were going to drink the health of suckers.

The country is no longer an owner neither of Frouzis nor Christoforakos


The mantinada that Mr. Polakis was accompanying was the referendum was "The Greeks do not want yes, it's time for the traitors to distinguish the wild boars from the hens." It's the mirror of your political speech. And you want to convince us that you have changed. Who are the chickens

I wonder why you have not had Mr. Kammenos next to you today. Does it bother you? "

The citizens know that the great benefactor of the far right is you.You collaborated when you were in opposition.You shouted with them on the squares.What difference Polakis has to do with what does the extreme right say? You cooperate with the far right Kammen. What do you say? You voted for the Golden Dawn vote on the electoral law.

You have turned the development in 2014 into a delusion of populism and lie just to come to power

The time when you were representing the honest young man who was supposed to be against the interests is gone.You are ruthlessly intertwined. discovered the relationship much earlier and with stronger links than the previous ones.You are behind the vulgar parachute targeting me and our executives.You guide them and you are personally responsible for the vulgarities of Vaxevan and Mazzurani and the offspring vulgar, and you will also sway. The most vulgar liar. "

" Have you had the audacity of Mr. Tsipras to refer to journalism journalism as true? Let me say this. He is so honorable that EFSYN did not know that I did not meet Mrs. Merkel and Zeheffer. You are a liar, a liar, a liar and I challenge you, Mr. Tsipras, to reproduce these lies. You are a double liar speaking of the immigrant that you dare to identify with Orban. You know that at each session, I did a hard fight against him saying that there had to be a European solution to the refugee. You are a liar, a liar, a lieutenant, and this will accompany you throughout your career

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