Shock! 14 years old blamed his friends and classmates for bullying


A news that "freezes" the blood. Like any news about a suicide. But listening to the fact that a 14-year-old decides to put an end to his life, he can only feel a "tightening".

Suicide and "obscure" causes

The tragic story happened in the southern suburbs. Where in an apartment, 14-year-old parents entered his room and found him hung up reports that the boy had left a note explaining the reasons that led to the decision fateful. 19659005] Words that bring once again the surface of the "monster" of intimidation! This is because, according to the report, in the 14-year-old note accused of intimidation his friends and clbadmates …

His father is a member of the opposition in a municipality in the southern suburbs. It is perfectly reasonable that the parents of the 14 year old boy are in a tragic psychological state

The authorities have opened an investigation into the tragic case …

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