New rally for Macedonia in the White Tower


Citizens' protests are not over against Prespa's agreement. Today, at 8 pm, citizens, organizations and badociations make an appointment outside the White Tower to claim Hellenic Macedonia

The rallying initiative of today 's It was undertaken by the unprecedented Organization of Greek Patriots and the Federation of Patriots and Orthodox Associations. The organizers of the rally report on the relevant poster that "Silence is complicity, Macedonia is Greece."

After the rally should follow a course in the center of Thessaloniki.


At the last rally held in Vergina, hundreds of people gathered in the central square, holding Greek flags and Vergina flags, demonstrating Macedonian Hellenism and agreement of Prespa

The "present" of the rally was also given by the regional director of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas. The organizers arranged for a new rally on July 30, this time in Alexandria

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