3.5 hours behind the road to Cyclades-Dodecanese


The road to Paros-Naxos-Patmos-Leros-Kos was to start at 10 am and finally the deportation took place at 13.30

Grand tribute to summer tourists who chose Blue Star 1 from the port of Piraeus on the Paros-Naxos-Patmos-Leros-Kos road

Although the route was to start at 10 am, the ship arrived in Piraeus at that time, resulting in a delay of 3, 5 hours departing the ship at 15:30

The rage of pbadengers and pbadengers drivers who waited for hours in the sun to board the ship, as shown in the photos of protothema.gr, caused the lack of # 39, explanation of the company for the inconvenience

According to the Chamber of Commerce of the Ministry of Transport contacted by protothema The cause of the delay was "the large pbadenger traffic when the ship arrived in Piraeus with 700 pbadengers" [19659003] bule-stear-1 “/>


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