Greece is a key center for the production of Coca-Cola products | Businesses


More than 410 million liters of juice and soft drinks per year are produced in the factory.

The seasons in which Coca-Cola 3E limited its productive activity in Greece, causing little reaction, while transferring its headquarters to Switzerland, seem to have gone irretrievably. Following a restructuring of its production structure (started in 2012 and completed in 2014), the company announced at the end of 2015 that it was carrying out its activities of Volos and Kato Kifissia at its Schimatari plant

but for a transfer. simple, but essentially for a move that was a change of course for the group, which was now making the strategic decision to make Greece one of the main centers of production development and even innovation beings . The Schimatari plant has been transformed into "Mega Plant" and is today the seventh largest Coca-Cola HBC AG plant in the 28 countries where it operates.

To do this, investments totaling 24 million build new buildings of 21,000 m2. The reason? The factory now has 17 production lines, two large warehouses with a total area of ​​30, 000 sqm. (a 24,000 square meter for the juices and soft drinks produced in Schimatari and 6,000 square meters is a customs warehouse for the distribution of alcoholic beverages) and has four quality and quality control laboratories [19659003L'factoryproducts731millionofcompetentsfrom410millionthousandgoodsandgasbeveragefromtheAutotall'Schimatarialcapacityofserving300commercialwheelsbywhichtheCompanyproductscanbeintroducedinGreatpartiesandGreaterCountries

The latter is perhaps the most important development, as it reinforces the overall importance of the production group manufactured in Greek territory. In particular, Schimatari exports to Bulgaria, Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Italy, Kosovo, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and the Czech Republic. Indeed, Schimatari covers 100% of the needs of the Bulgarian market for Coca-Cola and Sprite drinks in an aluminum box. During the official presentation of Mega Plant, Mr. Giannis Papachristou, CEO of Coca-Cola 3E, suggested that he would export to other countries, saying, "We are paving the way for exports to more countries. of markets. " In addition, Coca-Cola 3E is investing in technology for a total of 57 million euros over the last three years, while a collective investment of 8.7 million euros has been announced it a few months ago at Aigio natural gas bottling plant

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