. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the president of Yannis Hatzisethodiou, after highlighting the obvious support brought by tourism to the Greek economy and referring to the sharp increase in the number of visitors choose our country for his holidays , have the need to strengthen small and medium enterprises and emphasize that there should be a planning for Athens to become a tourist destination and not just a stopover for foreign visitors.
At the same time, he raised the issue of the need to extend the tourist season, to strengthen the Greek economy of the benefits of tourism, not only during the summer season, but more than months.
Inbound tourism over the 2015-2017 triennium and dynamic start-up in 2018, with double-digit growth in arrivals, revenues, hotel profitability and rising business turnover in the productive sectors – this is also reflected in the growth of the & # 39; employment [19659002PourAthènesMmeKountourasasoulignéqu'ilestl'undesprotagonistesdudéveloppementdutourismeavecunnombrerecordd'arrivéesquidevraitdépbadercetteannée5millionsIlaévoquélapromotionetlapromotioncibléesd'Athènescommedestinationtouristiqueattrayanteetsonintégrationdanslesprogrammesdesgrandsgroupesdevoyagesàl'foreign
"We created a new tourist demand for Athens aroused the interest of Greek and international groups open new hotels 4 and 5 stars and invest in improving the image and tourist offer of the capital.
We work in close working with the Region, local authorities, tourism and development agencies and the private sector to capitalize on all tourism development opportunities that will bring new revenue and a new professional activity. Mrs. Kountoura said:
The Minister informed the EEA members of the Tourism Development Plan, which was drafted and presented recently. He also mentioned the project to promote, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development, a more competitive framework to encourage investment in tourism, the implementation of tourism programs 365 days a year and the design of tourism. of a training and employment program.
In addition, Ms. Kountoura informed that the Ministry of Tourism affirms in its contacts with relevant bodies in the EU, the strengthening of the tourism sector, policies and funds for tourism in the new multi-year financial framework for 2020.
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