Until early August, the program "Open Schools in the Neighborhood" – Newsbeast


The program "Open Schools in the Neighborhood", an initiative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, with the cooperation and coordination of the AMKE Platform Creativity and exclusive donor of the Stavros Foundation, continues its activity until the first Niarchos August "week

The program, implemented in six selected schools of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the maintenance of courses and schools open to the inhabitants of the city, aims to become the link between the local community and (19659002) It is added that through creative employment, children and adults are acquainted with the potential role of school and, by extension, with the concepts of neighborhood and school. Public space Participation is free and open to all, and to participate in some workshops, pre-registration is required.The actions are open to all age groups and take place every day. 14:00 to 22:00, in the supervised schools courses, under the guidance of animators and specialized educators

All activities are implemented in the following municipal schools: K. Krystalli 10), 2nd to 64 years (Konstantinos Mazarakis 1) and the Intercultural Education Elementary School (Nikos Kapatou 13), the 4th to the 77th (Kavieron 6) and the 5th to the 11th (Amalias 60). [19659005] (F, f, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q, f) .callMethod?
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