Kotzia: Solutions for the good of the country and not inertia – Politics


Nikos Kotzias defended the Prespa agreement by closing the work of the relevant ministerial meeting and stressed that the government pursues a foreign policy that brings solutions to the benefit of the country and not a policy of inertia for the benefit of the parties.

million. Kotzias reiterated a compromise, but Greece won critical points of interest, while baderting that our country had not won the erga omnes in Bucharest, but this government has succeeded erga omnes and on the inside, by changing the constitutional name of the neighboring country.

"A systematic effort is now being made to reduce the depth and breadth of Greece's profits from this negotiation." Greece has not won everything, to describe your agreements that I get up in the morning and say that I say everything I have, but these are nice deals with ourselves, when you do transnational agreements, you get something and you give something, "said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, beginning his speech.

" In the opposition or in the dream of such an agreement ", commented Mr Kotzias, saying that Greece had important points for her and that the other party also had problems that she wanted. "Without compromise, there was no problem. international agreements, "he reiterated:" There is no house with rent. "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was particularly concerned that the name of the l & # 39; Prespa agreement is of general application. "We had not had erga omnes since 2008, and all governments claimed that erga omne "It was not inside," he added, adding: "Whoever does not ask erga omnes for the inside would accept the name of Macedonia. the name in the interior was the Republic of Macedonia, what were the derivatives in terms of nationality and language? He therefore spoke about "mourners" of previous governments, because they said that they called Macedonia and did not speak about nationality and language.

million. Kotzias also appreciated that the agreement put an end to irresponsibility, as existing borders are accepted without any claim.

He even invoked Constantine Karamanlis and Konstantinos Mitsotakis, saying that they considered three important issues: the name, changed with the agreement, the inviolability of the borders for which the agreement Prespa spends all the capital and the absence of a minority in Greece. The latter, he said, is badured by changing Article 49 of the Neighbor's Constitution (which, as Mr Kotzias emphasized while remaining attached to the Interim Agreement), said that there are minorities in neighboring countries. Article 118 of the Greek Constitution on the Hellenic Exodus.

As for the use of the term Macedonia, he said: "We do not know that there is the big province of Luxembourg in Belgium, we have seen a lot of wars between them, these are metaphysical. "

Indeed, he said: "I like the name of North Macedonia, no, I would like to be called northern Alaska, I would choose North Macedonia, but do not come with the complex name already included in Macedonia. for decades in the negotiations, and I find it unethical that they gave the facts to represent fans of a name that Macedonia will not have. "He even asked someone to tell him when the previous erga omnes governments called for a change of constitution, that is, in the neighboring country." Suddenly, the language that I Have heard since 1945 "was given as an accuser of misfortune," said Kotzias insisting on this point: "All those who have not reacted to the recognition of the Macedonian language for years , accuse us of finding and I do not like to say their language, but come when other governments have recognized it, "while George Babiniotis shouted," I know a philologist who will hide behind the sins of the time "and insists that the Macedonian language recognize It has marked the agreement of a peaceful compromise and called on those who disagreed" to tell us they believe that we should open a war in the region, "while stressing that this government wants to resolve the pro as opposed to some who, as he said, want problems to stay so they are right to exist. "Some do not want a solution because they are fed by the non-solution," he said.

He also responded to the allegations of the recognition opposition of a Macedonian nation. "They say, if you give citizenship, you gave ethnicity." Question: How does one say native Greek homogeneity in Albania? What identity and citizenship do they have? Does the opposition say that they are not Greek? Becoming a patriarch in the city is not Turkish citizenship, that is to say that the patriarch was also a Turkish Muslim? "

Regarding criticism of the irreversible course of accession of the neighboring country to NATO and to the EU, Mr. Kotzias notes that the demand for membership to their constitutional name was canceled and that they submitted a new application for membership of North Macedonia.

He also stressed the risk of "occupation" of Turkey by the neighbors and fanatics of Islam.

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