Compbad is the quintessence of the SUV concept, with 'dot' experience of nearly eight decades of off-road Jeep trails. Uncompromising design, safety and comfort technology and quality make the new Compbad the SUV reference and offer what the future buyer is looking for and even more:
– Powerful yet economical engines from 1,400 to 2000 cm3. petrol and diesel, sophisticated automatic and manual gearboxes and four-wheel-drive systems, tested on the most inhospitable terrain of the planet
– Technology for safety and traffic on all terrains, impressive pbadenger spaces for trips and Comfortable Luggage
– In the salon of the new Jeep Compbad, you'll discover the 8.4-inch Infotainment HD display that highlights all you need to know through the Apple CarPlay and Android Auto functions [19659002] The most important but new is thanks to the limited Jeep campaign offered by Compbad for 24,100 euros (up to 5,000 €!) And combined with the brand's flexible financing programs, you will discover that a Jeep is much more than an SUV. (1969006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function) {n.callMethod?
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