Trab threatens China with $ 500 billion in product imports


US President Donald Trub staged a trade war, he said he was ready to impose 500 billion more dollars on Chinese imports.

"We are talking about a terrible amount," Trab said in an interview on China's trade imbalances with CNBC, which was recorded Thursday (yesterday) and aired today. "I'm ready to go up to 500," he said.

Already this month, the United States has imposed $ 34 billion in Chinese products, with Beijing reacting with retaliation of equal value to US products.

The United States challenged Monday the WTO tariff, as well as those imposed by the European Union, Canada, Mexico and Turkey in response to new tariffs imposed by the states United States on steel and aluminum

"If the stock market fell, it fell"

However, President Trab does not seem to worry about the possibility of 39, a fall in the stock market in case of tariffs. "If it falls, it's fallen, listen, I'm not doing it for political reasons," he said.

Trab wants Chinese leaders to take action to reduce $ 375 billion deficit in US trade balance with China

The US government also accuses China of being involved in Unfair business practices forcing American investors to deliver critical technologies to Chinese companies.

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