HOW FIRE IS A Death trap to Mati


When the mighty flaming turbine digs in Mati in the afternoon of Monday, July 23, strong winds from 9 to 11 Beaufort from the west winds push it with a rush to squeeze everything

The flames swallow what they encounter in the pbadage

"There was no way to stop this evil, no plan can stop such a ravage."

"The flames pbaded over the fire brigades on Marathon Avenue and they burned Mati," say the eyewitnesses.

But the great evil that we have found does not justify the loss of so many lives.

Hundreds of people tried to leave Mati with their car, but were trapped in a terrible traffic jam in the narrow streets of the colony, settled as vacationers in 1960 and from 2000 he was densely populated without any [19659002] It was developed like many other parts of Greece anarchically, in "ela mora", in "fortune".

It's not enough that it was built in "luck" and in the pines, it had no escape routes.

As all the desperate people were getting up hell, with the pines as extremely flammable to "grab" in a single dandelion, with a set the houses become ashes in minutes and the cars stuck for s & # 39; – the markets report that the fuel in the tanks has exploded – panic prevailed

Loyal residents were leaving their homes, motorists were leaving their trafficked cars and all (19659002)

At Mati, shorelines are not not freely accessible everywhere

Hotels and houses close them with pens. It's the "development" that they had as a model in 1960. There was no free access to the shores

So, from time to time, hundreds of our fellow humans were found themselves fighting for their lives, their children, loved ones, jumping over fences, running through uncovered spaces and gardens to reach the sea

But access to the sea was d & # 39; First "stuffy".

What a sea

. They do not continue either along a single beach along the coast, so people can walk along the coast to be able to remove them because there are rocks and rocks. literally built buildings in the sea

That is why the nightmare was not over for those who were arriving and going to the water.

The only way to save them was to take them by boats

At the same time, the "heat load" drown his heads Inside the water to prevent fire …

Shots of cars and structures were shot and bombed.

Vessels and volunteer ships, coordinated by the Coast Guard, rushed as early as 6:00 pm to recover the victims of the fire

However, boats and boats could not approach the shallow waters . there are beaches but rocks, or because – worse – the boats burned the fire.

The 9 burning Beauforts had "lit" the atmosphere, called "heat load", and did not let the sailors get closer. meters from the shore.

The troubled and frightened pol (19659002) Wounded, old men, children, women, were falling into the sea to fight one last fight with the waves before they were saved from the boats that were waiting for them.

Puppies with burnt flesh swam while holding their children.


It is said in television channels that "the eye is no longer". That's right

But there is an even greater truth: "The eye as it was built, it was never built" that started as a holidaymaker in 1960, with the non-existent standards of the Greek diets then, and after 2000, he was densely populated

All these years, no one thought this: If this place is taken here, the pine, the without the exits s 39 escape, what are we going to do?

And yes, the first to be

Those who live in the place and know it better than anyone else

Of course, and as a result of the tragic outcome, no one has ever wondered what would happen if it caught fire in Mat

Or, to be precise, if one day the fire happened to Mati. Because the region has experienced many fires. But it was fatal

The Nea Makri area has experienced a lot of fires in the past and it is obvious that they would have provided. They do not have it.

The ancient Romans used to say "damned tree" pine and did not allow it in the cities

Because they knew that the pine is a dowry. It is a burning mechanism, it is a guarantee that one day it will burn us

How we young Greeks have convinced us that it is safe to live among the pines is really anxious

Finished the "Eyes"

Today we deplore dozens dead. The messy people.

After the lamentations have subsided, the national anxiety for the evil that he found us, we have a duty. More "Eyes". Neither in Attica nor anywhere else at home

Never again such traps of death

As for the other stations that exist as the Mati, the "golden" "The decades of the 60s and the years of the Junta we must demolish them and redo them. "

The owner of the house found the 26 dead hugged

Shocking what the owner of the house said in Mati, who found 26 bodies of fire victims, people who were bent in the house. embrace. 659002] "People came home, they could not see the door to go down to the beach and they found themselves entwined."

"The world that burned in my house was set on fire because there is no plan"

"My house has access to the beach with stairs, a girl has tried to jump off the cliff and we lost it, "he added.

"The first 25 people gathered and coordinated are all saved."

They came from the smoke, they did not see the door, they were found kissed, they were all burned. "

" All this world that was burned was because there is no plan in case of badogy, where will they go? "However, it is shocking to see the testimony of Mr. Potamianos, to which belongs the following plot:

" Unfortunately, there is no other access to the beach except for the house of M Frangou. It was a horror

"I heard the voices of people burn and I tell someone to shut their ears," said Potamianos

"Most homes have access at the beach but the enclosures are closed. 19659002] The pens were closed. The mayor of the region must be ready to talk about this crime.


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