A help message sent Viber to all Greek users


A message of sympathy and solidarity sent Viber to all Greek users for the fires that killed at least 86 people.

At the same time, Viber announced that in the coming days all Viber Out calls to and from Greece would be completely free, so those wishing to connect with their loved ones will have another communication tool at their disposal [19659003] According to the announcement of Viber, users will be able to make unlimited free Viber calls to Greek call codes – all landline and mobile phones – from around the world (including Greece) to Greece and (France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland), Cyprus and Bulgaria

Greece to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,

The offer was launched on July 26, 2018 at 18:00 and will be valid until July 29, 2018 at 23:59 (GMT)


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