Another 14,709 applications for Home Savings II – Newsbeast have been approved


The inclusion of 14,709 additional applications in the Home Savings II program was approved by the Investment Committee meeting today.

According to the Ministry of Energy, given the demands that have been recently approved, it appears that the resources to the direct economy of the program exceeds 400 million euros

The demands approved today correspond to an eligible budget of 224.62 million euros, whose public expenditure amounted to 175.03 million euros. euro. These include 11,263 applications approved in advance by a cooperating bank, while for the rest, the amount of the subsidy will be covered by equity

As in the previous sub-scheme, the vast majority requests concerns lower incomes, also low energy houses. Beneficiaries can immediately start energy renovation projects of their homes

In total, the number of admissions reached 28,211, or about 50% of the program's direct support budget. In particular, the eligible intervention budget for all applications is 414.8 million. EUR (public expenditure: 298 million euros). (1969006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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