A Bulgarian fired at Fort Rupel in Serres | Plus: Company


In the meantime, he got to know the firefighters, the arrest means a Bulgarian national, a resident of Sofia.

Speaking earlier in "104.9 FM", Mr. Tsolakis noted: "About 7 This morning, the army told us that there was smoke near Fort Rupel. firefighters were trying to control the site, another smoke appeared just above, and a person was found shooting. "
" We immediately mobilized, we asked the help of Serres. and mobilization by a group of armies.We are currently in the hands of an individual, he is a stranger, and he fires on Greek soil with strong winds blowing into the area, "he said. declared M. Tsolakis., s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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